Senatore Cappelli – 1Kg

Senatore Cappelli – 1Kg


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Whole flour of the ancient durum wheat called “Senatore Cappelli”, obtained by slow-grinding with the old natural-stone millstone to keep intact the flavors and nutritional values.

Excellent for every kind of pasta due to its granulometry, that gives the rolled sheet more roughness, for a better keeping of the sauce. One advice is to let the dough settle for at least a couple of hours, to give proteins time to relax and stretch the sheet more easily.
Durum wheat flour is also used for other preparations such as bread or some sweets and in blends with the others kind of flours.


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Mulino Medievale dei Renzetti

Renzetti, 06016
San Giustino (PG)
Umbria, Italia

Tel: (+39) 0758583023

Mob: (+39) 3277047704


Dalle uscite della E45 di SanGiustino o di Selci Lama, raggiungere l’abitato di Lama e seguire le indicazioni per il “Mulino Medievale Loc. Renzetti” situato lungo la SP200 di Parnacciano a circa 5 km da Lama.

Mulino Medievale Renzetti


43.547417, 12.266128
43°32’50.7″N 12°15’58.1″E

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